lj py and me go klcc pc fair...........wah many people leh.....made me cant breath......... before that we go to SAKEA SUSHI have our lunch!!!!!! last time i go it was GENKI SHUSHI.....now became more modern already.....see!!!!it order by a pc!!!!wow~~~~i like it......so high tech leh...........

this is my most lovely sushi called TAMAGO....made by egg.........selicious leh........

this is py order de.....dont know called what rice leh......oishiso nee????

this is lj rice......eh....why different from us??????okishoyo//////

ooooooooo!!!!!!!is BENTO so different abit loh......have miso-soup.......nice leh........bigger then us so much izit????but very delicious oh............let me eat la LJ~~~~~~~

after going that pc fair........lj buy 3 pendrive wah~~~rich people leh........... and help her friend find a pendrive 4GB de......imition gua.....wah difficult to find leh.........walk until very tired oh...... but lastly we got it!!!!!!hehehe~~~~~~then before going back let me take a photo............
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