Wednesday, August 27, 2008
mooncake festival is coming soon...erm....a month lah/////so long.....but mu mom decided to make the mooncake.......lastnight she already prepare the thing........see!!!!oh what is that??? it is莲蓉use to make mooncake de.......but izit abit big????
here is豆沙......very nice mom just use this 2 to make it.....hahaha~~~~
when i go back home my mom already finish making the it the mooncake not yet baking de.........very beautiful right.....after baking sure veru ugly liao......... ask me jaga api.....but i...hahaha.......the mooncake spoil alreadu....because of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see so time i dunwan jaga liao.....but it taste also okay de........

my mom use this to make the shape...........i didnt try before.........hahaha~~~
erm my mom so busy also cook me a meehoon.......but do u all know.....this is maggie meehoon!!!!!! so easy to cook.....难怪lah////cook for me......rupanya~~~~
after that my mom make the 冰皮de mooncake!!!!my mom make 冰皮very delicious one!!!
so cute leh the mooncake before have the shape~~~~~~~~~~~
now putting it in to the 模型 look easy....why dont i try???no dare lah/////after that it become a round shape mooncake.....:)
here it lovely冰皮月饼............i cant waiting to eat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthDay Lj~~~~
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Kosong pasta/./.......
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!no electric!!!!!!!!!!!what going on....when i playing my computer...suddenly no electric....sadsadsad:(i am so hungry leh....then i ang my sister go into the kitchen try to make some food......huh...why only pasta choice loh...we take the torch light when cooking our pity leh~~~~
before that i fried egg with hotdog....erm it abit nausea but delicious also....hahaha~~~dont only see its 卖相actually ooooookay lah...hehehe:)
here the pasta!!!!!!this ok hor???because of no electric i cant find any meat or mushroom so that this is the kosong pasta.......
mini crackers
this is the biskut dat i eat then get sore throat......very very very small de biskut.......but y so strong 1....make me cant eat any delicious food.....especially durian!!!!!!!!!!!!
very small anf thin hor???cute dat i eat a lot.....become.............dunwan say liao......sadsadsadsadT.T
my godness!!!!! in this holiday i get sick 2 time!!!!!!!!!!!!!kamisama....tasugete!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
the 1st time is.......dunoe why my eye have somethg very pain 1.......tought is眼挑针!!!! scare leh.......then go see doctor loh.........that doctor...haiz.....dunwan say her liao........she say nothing juz gv me a cream only......aiyo.....dunwan see this doctor again liao!!!!!!!
see the small........but hehehe~~~i use 1 time only......after dat i recorver liao.....hahahaha~~~~~~
the 2nd time is sore throat!!!!!!!!!!!wah....i cant talk at dat moment!!!!!!!!then go see another doctor............this doctor also like dat.......din say anythg juz see my throat 1 second then gv me medicine liao~~~~~why recently all the doctor like dat de?????
many medicine hor?????but i dunoe eat 4 wat de......but very usefull leh....same wif last time eat 1 time already recorver.......i think in this holiday i forgot my big bottle so dat i din drink any water.....:)
this is gargle.......very good 1.....after using ur throat become very selesa..............
this 2 dunoe wat only loh.........
the 2nd time is sore throat!!!!!!!!!!!wah....i cant talk at dat moment!!!!!!!!then go see another doctor............this doctor also like dat.......din say anythg juz see my throat 1 second then gv me medicine liao~~~~~why recently all the doctor like dat de?????
i and my cousin go hospital....have so funny thing hahaha~~~~at midnight we go near to精神课病房......shock!!!!!!!!!!!!!he saw a girl with long hair!!!!!!!!!what going on?????the girl comb her hair beside the window!!!!!!!!!!!!!then the guard explain to us.....the girl was something wrong everynight she will did it also........then the guard already lazy to stop her.....kakakaka~~~
Thursday, August 14, 2008
hehehe~~~my lovely durian again//////////////////////
this time is D24!!!!!!!!!!!!erm ..............delicious lah...............but look like nothing different........izit i dont know how to taste it?????
nice mah???this time no weird jor leh hor????????heehhe~~~~
this time is D24!!!!!!!!!!!!erm ..............delicious lah...............but look like nothing different........izit i dont know how to taste it?????
today very fish ar!!!!!!!!!!!!want go die liao.................................................................
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Lj Contact LENS!!!!!!!!!
today ms.lj come to my house.....hehehe...think what she wanna to do???? actually she want to buy contact lens........but after asking she only say dont want.......OMG!!!!!
nevermind lah.....come come come~~~come my house lah......after i taking bath.....hey lj what are u doing????oo curi tengok my drama lah.......
hey dont hide lah friend!!!!! we would like to see ur beutiful face leh kakaka~~~~after that she say I WANT TO BUY LIAO THAT LENS........okok let go~~~~
wow~~~~she decided wear at there........GAMBATE yo!!!!!
wah!!!!!lj u so ..........wear 1 time already get in!!!!!!i so cemburu you leh!!!!!good!!!!
yeh!!!!!!lj become so beautiful liao!!!!!nice leh......dont wear glasses lah!!!!!
wah......u so genius~~~~~1 time already put in 1 time already can remove it..........
lastly she buy 3 pair lens and 1 solution!!!!!rich leh~~~~~i just buy 1 pair only leh...hahaha~~~~
tomorrow you must wear oh......u janji saya liao oh............
tomorrow you must wear oh......u janji saya liao oh............
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
mom buy durian for me!!!!!wah.....happy leh.........the most delicious fruit sure is durian lah......... hahahaha~~~~
see this durian very sweet oh............wah i not dare open it me mom!!!!!!!!
thx my mom.......see nice hor..........erm oishi!!!!!!!!!!!
how was it????????this durian abit bitter hahaha!!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008
Cantact LenS~~~~~~~~
4th august 2008..........i decide to go print some photo for bear......then i tell me mom i would like to wear lens.......then she suddenly bring me go in an optical.......wah!!!!!scary leh....wear a lens.....very....very.....very.....difficult leh....for me lah......first time i used about 30minute to wear it........erm now i can wear it easily......but spend lot of time lah....hahaha
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Sakae SuShi!!!!
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