Tuesday, July 20, 2010

old pic

i found some old pic that i took before
but i have not chance to show it out
now it the time~~ my LENG ZAI is here
taking pic with me and Shel
see how old this pic it?
Shel still with her LONG hair
my pillow very fashion one
now popular with flower
so he trying to wear a flower SHIRT
my bear~~ dacing at my bed
how cute >3<
this is the most modern mirror own by abby
seldom see this type od mirror
abby keep it well leh~~
maybe it can be a curio

this is BBB Ex-phone
same with her keyboard

lastly end with my last year birthday present
i want to show it at last year
but i forgot already
nice piano and cello
i love it so much
thx my dear friend~~~~

1 comment:

~Silent.........Be3~ said...

Walao~!!!I think tis pics were soooooooo long ago!!